Drive Thru for Increase

Photo of a car in the drive thru line at Wendy's

About two weeks ago, our Senior Pastor Sharon Dean prophetically spoke to the congregation and declared, “Increase!” it was a timely Word. While we eagerly received, the enemy of our soul mobilized accordingly, attempted to thwart the move of God. So, when Monday presented and all its difficulty, I was not surprised and immediately began to thank God for what was to come. While driving later in the day, I stopped at a traffic light and saw a Wendy’s in my line of sight. The Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance of Wendy’s being the establishment around the corner from where we lived more than two decades ago. Suddenly, I was catapulted in time in my mind and visually recalled sitting in my car in the drive-thru, with my daughter in the rear. I saw myself counting change from the ashtray of my vehicle, seeking just enough of a combination of coins to get two kid’s meals. That was when fast food was affordable even though it was still too high of a cost for me. I recalled the joy on my daughter’s face. She was completely clueless as to the struggle we were enduring as a family unit. Yet, being the in drive-thru meant that something good was about to happen! She didn’t know how, but she knew without question that not too far in the distant future, I would stretch my hand in the rear of the car to hand something desirable to her. In that small space of time while sitting at the traffic light, God so lovingly reminded me how He’s meticulously cared and that even as it was tough, increase has been a staple in my life for a long time. He reminded me that what I was experiencing was temporal and that increase remains on the menu for those who place their trust in Him.


When was the last time you envisioned something from God? How long has it been since you witnessed His righteous hand extend an answered prayer? Better still, what does your posture of expectation resemble? I wonder how we might position ourselves for increase. Psalm 115:14 declares, “May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children.” This is a beautiful admonishment and affirmation and yet what is impeccably important to digest is the scripture that precedes verse 14. Verse 13 reads, “He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great.” Also, verse 11, “Ye that fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: He is their help and their shield.” Beloved, we get to increase as we place our reverence and trust in the Lord. Our God has certainly gifted us with wisdom and talents and treasure and those extensions collectively are still no match for our Creator. We are compelled to work and toil and still expect the increase to come from God. And in the “between space,” may we be encouraged to “wait in the rear” as God ushers us through the drive-thrus” of life, knowing the cost of our blessings, our existence, was paid in full at Calvary. No change is needed; just praise.


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