When God Says Enough

Let me offer the caveat. If blue was not your color, you might elect to check in next Monday because this blog is centered on the magnificent declaration that occured over the weekend in the Biden Harris camp. The Peanuts gang told us over 50 years ago, that people shouldn't discuss, "politics, religion and the great pumpkin." Lucky for you, I am determining to discuss all three. Let us begin.

Y'all know I'm a church girl from way back. It is a core of my identity and I hold it close. I love Jesus and I live my life fully cognizant of the sacrifice made on my behalf to live abundantly. However, I am troubled to my soul as I witness the manipulation of Christianity to fit one's contemporary discrimination. I've been struck at folx condemning a woman's right to choose (regardless of the circumstances) while also boldly standing against programs and services to assist individuals who require the foundational aspects of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, such as food, shelter, water and air after they've had the child(ren). I've been disturbed at the extent to which history has been unravelled as though America has always loved all its inhabitants, particularly those who built her under the auspices of slavery. I've been sickened at the treatment of immigrants as if those who are building walls and ceasing dreams don't have ancestry that is rooted external to the United States. I've wept at the thought of 500 children being separated from their families while those who support the practice of modern day genocide shelter in place together. I'm disturbed at black folx being killed by the police while the person in the highest office of the land pronounces that there are "good people on both sides," tweeting white supremacy and rallying the racists with deliberate whistling. I've experienced fear watching the numbers of COVID diagnoses increase while massive gatherings without social distancing and maskless folx deny the reality. Yet, these circumstances are inextricably linked to religion, politics and the one who never quite rose to the occasion of leadership. We've waited like Linus and hopeful like Sally, in a patch of disappointment for the great pumpkin to rise and give treats instead of tricks. These last four years have been undeniably hard - for Black, Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, Queer, Poor, Women, Urban, Muslim, the environment and just about any other marginalized group you can conjure in your heart and mind, and yet, God enabled us to be resilient enough to be sustained amidst the rhetoric, racism and reverberations echoing across the land. And when God says enough, what He ushers in manifests in so much more than even our wildest dreams.

Family, God said enough! His stamina is unmatched to ours. And for such and all these things we give God glory! Isn't it just like God to hear our cries, our pain, our tribulation, all while planning our joy, our peace and our sustainability? That is the sweet spot in God - so excuse me if I and others celebrate and breathe in this moment, and show gratitude for those on earth who played a significant role (Bow down for Queen Stacey Abrams) in the least of these "feeling blue." And might we remember that even God rested (Genesis 2:2), and in order for us to continue to hold up the blood stained banner, we too must engage in revolutionary self care.

As God has said enough, so must we. There are people, places and things that do not align with our purpose, our very reason for being in the earth. As we encounter those 'ain'ts" may we trust God to bypass the pumpkin patch and alternatively move toward the celebrations in spaces that affirm our greatness. Congratulations President Elect Biden and Vice President Elect Kamala Harris. We are tickled pink about feeling blue!


You're Struggling


Let Come What May