Let Come What May

I didn't understand as a child when I overheard the elders saying, "I need a hymn." I just assumed it was yet another tactic to hold us hostage in the sanctuary as opposed to sneaking to the nearby candy/liquor store. However, I grew up in a church that required us to learn hymns, and the words were far from my comprehension. Additionally, there were a lot of verses and stanzas and you best believe that we were going to sing each syllable. I noticed that as we neared the end, the resounding affirmation and declarations filled the sanctuary almost to what felt like an explosion. It was different from the other musical selections. The hymns spoke of stillness in God, in dependence upon God, in assurance of God over trials, tribulations, trouble and terror - yet the crescendo always prevailed with unwavering faith that God was in control on the throne and would see us through. As we stand on the brink of a historic election, I feel a hymn in my spirit, specifically a portion of one that resonates in my being that sings out, "Oh trust the Savior, let come what may!" No one but the Father knows the predetermined outcome of Tuesday, but I do know that I must hinge myself to the initial portion of the lyrics and trust the Savior, in that He knows best for me and nothing shall take Him by surprise.

Four years ago, I sat in a pub in Canada with a good friend and sorority sister to watch the election returns. As the night passed, it became clear that the joke we'd told for many months prior to our departure, was no longer funny. We'd been saying, "If Hillary doesn't win, we might not return." Welp, there we were with plans to return to a place that would feel even less familiar than it already did. And while over the last four years, it feels as though the vitriol divisiveness ensues, I've still witnessed friends getting married, having babies, expanding their families, completing degrees, graduating children, sending young adults off to college, building homes, beating sickness, getting new jobs and promotions. Yes, amidst the horrific events and trauma, God is still in the blessing business despite who is in the white house. The House of God, the one who is preparing mansions, is still out here performing miracles, signs and wonders - so let come what may! Yet we can only embrace a "let come what may" persona as we place Him first and more importantly, place our trust in Him.

What the elders knew was what we often forget. They knew pain. They knew despair. They knew trauma - but through it all, they knew God. He wasn't an icon that they acted as though they knew on Sunday or by wearing a dope graphic tee, but they knew Him in the trenches, in the depravity they navigated daily. They knew as a woman told me in Kohl's over the weekend, "He doesn't forsake His own." And if that be true, (and I know in my heart it is) whatever the outcome of Tuesday, we know beyond a shadow of doubt that we will not be left without a Savior. Sing the words: written in 1890 by P.H. Roblin:

O trust the Savior, let come what may,
Trust in His word so true;
His gracious promise your heart shall stay,
His strength shall bear you through.

O trust Him then through life and death,
Thro' trials great and small;
Let come what may, till latest breath,
Trust Jesus over all.

When sorely tempted in sin to stray,
Look up to Christ alone;
He keeps His children upon the way,
As they keep near the throne. [Chorus]

When tears of sorrow begin to fall,
And sadness fills the soul;
O then remember, He knows it all,
On Him thy burden roll. [Chorus]

I'm riding with Him till the wheels fall off. Let come what may. Now if you haven't voted, please make your voice known, and leave the rest to the Savior.


When God Says Enough


And All That Is Left