Simply stated, "Praise Him."

I was on the phone with my soror following church. I shared with her I was attempting to write the weekly blog, but I was coming up blank. She went on to detail that during service, the broadcast was experiencing a small technical glitch. It resulted in the loop of what was happening in the feed to lag behind what was happening in the actual physical building. At the bottom of the screen was a request for the virtual audience to exercise patience. However, my soror said, "God doesn't need our patience," and as I prepared to allow that to minister to me, I heard the Holy Spirit provide a remixed version. I heard, "God doesn't need our patience, He needs our praise!" My God! I hear you!

Perhaps you have a lot of prayers in the fire and you are holding "it" together as best you can. You are seeking and believing God for the impossible and yet both what is happening and God's response seems to lag and loop differently from who you know Him to be. A lag doesn't mean that God is not attuned to us and what we've set before Him. There are no technical difficulties in Him. Let us not be fooled in during the delay. We are extended the opportunity to praise Him in the space between the issue and the resolution. As we praise, there is little need for patience; we can relish in thanking God for things being as well as they are. Our very posture of praise demonstrates our inclination and hope and belief that something different is on the way. While the timing of God is not dependent upon anything we do, we may take refuge during the wait that God will sustain us as He responds; as He's responded time and time again.

I have a bottomless reservoir of the responses of God that have worked much farther that I could ask, think or imagine. As we loose ourselves in praising God for who He is, who He's been and who He will always be, we can rest in simply the potential that He cannot help but show up! And while there may appear to be a delay or a lag, we have instructions on what to do in the interim. Perhaps the lag is in us - because the resolution has already occurred in the spiritual realm. While we wait, let us praise.


He Chose Me/You!


Your Heavenly Father Feeds