Fit For Life
Our neighborhood is under construction. It is a pain, but when it's complete, it will be a game changer. As a part of the new road being developed, a roundabout was created to assist with the flow. Accordingly, the new pattern directs vehicles down a street that typically doesn't get a great deal of traffic. On the street is a coffee shop, several oil change businesses and one business that I rarely noticed. It is a gym called, "Fit for Life." I got tickled at not only the title, but more importantly, the revelation to what the Holy Spirit presented.
Have you ever felt like God called you to do or be and the recognition that would seemingly accompany it seems invisible? I knew nothing about "Fit for Life," before, but I can tell you now that droves of people are now being exposed to it. I'm certain the owners had no idea when they opened the business on this mediocre street that eventually traffic would have no choice but to see it daily. In fact, not only did the roundabout direct traffic pass it, but additionally a traffic light was added at the top of a busy road which allows a free flow of cars to drive pass the building. I'm further convinced that someone (if not already) will be compelled to stop in or google them as time permits. They've been open since 1999 and while I am unfamiliar with the "success" of their efforts, I'm certain that they are experiencing exposure and not only that, they have remained "fit for life." What's the lesson? I'm so glad you asked. We never know when nor how God will show up and provide exposure to what we've been instructed to do. We shouldn't do it for that reason, but instead simply because God said so and we've said Yes! Therefore, we must remain "fit for life," because we never know when or how the exposure, the elevation, the embrace will occur. Fit for this life includes putting God first, following His Word, walking out what God instructs, being kind and extending to others and operating in a spirit of humility and forgiveness, and treating others as Christ treats us.
Life presents traffic and obstacles and detours and yet we are covered. If we can muster the tendency to silence the complaining and murmuring, cursing our small beginnings and instead remain faithful, in due season we will reap - but we mustn't faint. We've lived in our neighborhood for nearly four years and could count the number of times we traveled down that street. Now, it's a daily occurrence. While I focus on one business, the same could be said for the others. We may not always be on the main thoroughway, but as we live, move and have our being in Christ, we can best believe He will make certain to place us in spaces that command attention! To God Be the Glory!