Hiding In Plain Sight
Photo of prime rib bone on a closet shelf
Stella was gifted a large bone from a prime rib that the house chef made during the holidays. It had a little meat on it, but most importantly, instinctively, Stella recognized that she had in her possession something special. Sure, we purchase imitation bones that she uses for chews. They are all over the house, but this authentic prime rib bone presented as something unique. Before long, we noticed that she carried it throughout the home, placing it in spaces that she identified as “hiding, or secret.” We got so tickled at the extent to which Stella would go to great lengths to “hide” her bone, often plain sight. Oh, the lessons Stella models, in a similar fashion to Diamond. What should our response be when God grants us with something that we’ve not had before? How must we nurture it? Are we to be careless or meticulous with it?
We protect what God grants us by how we treat it. Psalm 119:11 reads, “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Whether we get what we desire in 2025 or not, our foundation must be gnawing on His Word daily so that we know how to live, move and have our being in whatever situations we face. When we do so, we prepare ourselves for handling the treasures that the Lord provides. Now, there was no prerequisite for Stella obtaining her bone, and to be sure, there are so many blessings that God bestows on us, simply because He loves us. However, knowing who we are in Him may be found in His Word and doing so allows us to know how to handle what He grants. Certainly, we are to carry what He grants with great care, but He blesses us to be a blessing to others. We don’t have to hide it. No one can take what God has fashioned for us! And while some may try to duplicate it, they’ll never know what it took to get it; nor what it takes to sustain it. Without God, it won’t last anyway.
What’s your bone? What are you moving from place to place? Rest in God, in plain sight. Allow Him to direct you as to where you are to deploy what He’s given to you. Don’t worry about someone else attempting to take it. They are incapable of keeping what God’s prepared for you!