The Valentine’s Swag Is On Display

Image of peppermint bark candy

Perhaps you’ve already seen it. The Valentine’s swag is out. It has the nerve to be seated next to my Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark, which is discounted, just in time for my annual January fast. Boo! Not to God, but to the makers that have had me in a chokehold for the last four weeks and now, when I am “turning my plate down,” here it comes. But I digress…The point is when we are stuck in the past, life continues. If we choose not to engage, we could quite possibly miss what God has ordained for our good.

Allow me to be the first partaker. I’ve enjoyed instructing in a divinity school for the last three years. When the invitation was extended to me, I was afraid. After all, while I profess myself to be a “church girl,” and degreed, divinity is not on my roster. However, the ask was that I creatively instruct from the paradigm of making the Gospel of Christ accessible beyond the pulpit with an equitable lens. Now, you’re speaking my language. Still, I reluctantly agreed. The first two semesters were rough. Almost the parallel incident happened two years in a row. I sought God’s wisdom as to whether I would return a third time, particularly since both instances involved questioning my character. I did it a third time and alas, the class went without hiccup. However, there were two students who did not complete their final assignment. I gave them incompletes. Nearly nine months later as the incompletes required a definitive grade, my decision to grant the grade that aligned with their level of work was questioned. I was livid. I was angry and then I settled into the emotion that was really the true essence of it all, hurt. The immediate concern I experienced at the onset of feeling like I wasn’t up to par hit me smack in the face. I felt like Peppermint Bark amidst the Heart shaped candy. Not to mention, I’d counted the “coin” for our 2025 getaways. Should I remain in a place that constantly made me question (and allowed others) my worth or trust that just as God extended the first opportunity that was not on my radar, that He would do it again? So, I walked my “discounted” self away – and have reveled in the realization that I have a more time, more abundance to elect to engage spaces and people that value me and what I bring. Matthew 10:31 affirms, “So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

I don’t know what you are launching for 2025. Perhaps the magazines for your vision board are yet to be tampered. Maybe you are carrying over aspiration from last year. Even still, you might find yourself at an intersection, unsure of which direction to traverse. You may witness others being established, just like the Valentine’s swag. Here’s a secret. Cheer “them” or “it” on. We often have no idea how long the wait for someone or something. Peppermint Bark still tastes amazing full price, discounted, early on the shelf or later during the party – and….after “season’ even better. You’ve heard it before, “a delay is not a denial.” All things mature in time. Let us not be so quick to dismiss the season of others, while ours is yet to be birthed or in its infancy stage. Every second matters and God does not waste anything. Not even Peppermint Bark after Christmas.


However You Spin It


I Don’t Do Resolutions