Why So Green?

Often I am inspired to write by the lessons God presents in His creation. The tree associated with this blog is in front of our home. This is the second year that it's presented in this manner. The leaves were rich and green during the summer months. The leaves transitioned during fall to a rich golden red. Shortly thereafter, the leaves found pleasure atop the grass, but a small cluster never transitioned color or left their abode. They remained. I captured a picture because we just couldn't believe what we were witnessing. And to be honest, I didn't understand the message that undergirded until this very moment. The Holy Spirit instructed me to write about it, but I was unsure of the message until now. As I typed the opening, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "This is a demonstration of how I expect you to be - through change, through bareness, through all seasons, remain alive and faithful and fruitful and attached to me." My God from Zion! I'm concurrently experiencing what Rev. Jackie Jones of Mt. Moriah AME Church terms a "trust walk." Normally before I write, God is already in download mode. Today however, I began typing with no clarity as to where I was going. But God. I would suggest that the combination of the representation of the green leaves attached to a bare tree and trusting God to share with me what to write is the lesson in and of itself.

I don't know what you are navigating. Personally, as I've shared previously, my Jordan year ain't Jordaning. In every area of my life, there has been difficulty. I could never compare myself to Job, but clearly we pay the same HOA assessments. Whether you consider yourself to be a neighbor of mine or a former tenant, as long as we identify as Believers, we will experience tribulation. Even as we are instructed in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world," we still must navigate trauma and it's not easy. We cannot escape it, yet fortunately for us, we can endure. God needs us to do so, particularly in a world filled with disappointment, hurt, fear, sadness and pain. We are not to think of ourselves more highly, but instead demonstrate the character of God in all we do. The best methodology for demonstrating His character is to remain connected to Him - that is how we can remain "green" when everything around us appears sterile.

I stopped years ago of declaring a new year to be something that the former wasn't. Perhaps I should, but what I know for certain is that I need to be connected to the source, which is Christ. I cannot attempt to show up in all the areas, places and people He's ordained without Him. I must trust Him when I don't see Him. I must rest in Him amidst the chaos. I must believe that He has the final say no matter what presents. Each of these declarations reflect life, restoration, grounded and abundance - just like the color green and the image itself. Whatever 2023 has thrown at you, I hope you've remained. Whatever 2024 throws at you, I hope you remain. Not in your own will - but in that of God. As our Sister CeCe sings, "He's never lost a battle." He knows the trajectory of every leaf and you. Stay green!


Called to Vision


Don't Add Sh*t To It!