What Do You Like On Your Popcorn?

When I tell you God is up to something, believe me. However, I'm certain that I don't have to remind you. When our God is in the neighborhood, go ahead and make sure you are prepared to receive. I've both witnessed and experienced conditions that suggest that God is not on the throne, or concerned about us, or fighting on our behalf or still holds victory in His hand or fails to keep His promises. Allow me to briefly simply provide evidence to the lies, tricks and performative maneuvers of the enemy. Psalm 47:8 decrees, "God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne." I Peter 5:7 decrees, "Throw all your anxiety onto Him, because He cares about you." Exodus 14: 14 declares, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Deuteronomy 20:4 affirms, "For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Finally, II Corinthians 1:20 unequivocally states, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God." Jesus!!!!! When I consider, when you consider, the compilation of the facts that the Word of God presents in response to the shortcomings of the enemy there is one action that we may assume in addition to our praise, worship and adoration - and that is to grab your popcorn - because it's about to get good!

Growing up, I didn't go to the movies as often I have as an adult. We couldn't afford it, but when we did, we went all out; meaning we purchased the ticket as well as the popcorn. Having the popcorn signaled that we were in for an experience, an adventure and a resolve. Those movies weren't like the ones in more contemporary times. They weren't written with a sequel in mind. When you left the theatre, you left with conclusion. But during the movie, having the popcorn ready was a must. The heavy lifting, the fighting of the enemy, navigating through the difficult situation and the victory, was handled by those in the movie. Allow me to engage this scenario through a biblical lens. No matter what you are experiencing in this season, know that God is doing the heavy lifting, He is fighting the enemy, He is navigating us through the difficult situations and trust and believe there will be victory ushered in through Jesus, regardless of what we are facing!

I don't know the particulars of how the story will end - except for the fact that God will bring all things to an expected end! Certainly we must pray, praise, worship, remain in our Word, be encouraged - but in the final analysis, trust God in the process and use your mental acrobats for determining what you want on your popcorn as opposed to how "it" will work out. What do I mean by what you want on your popcorn? Check this. Seeking new employment? Go ahead and purpose your favorite coffee mug for the office. Want a new home? Start a Pintrest board to plan your color scheme. A desire to write a book? Set up the space to tap into your most creative energy. In other words, prepare for the performance of your life, written and directed by God! Don't have faith to stay for the credits? Let me share the running script: God is able. God is in control. God has not forgot. God will not forsake. God is victorious. God is whatever you need Him to be. I prefer my popcorn lightly salted. What say you?


Jesus Wasn't Checking for Earrings; and Neither Should We!


Shower Kneed