Say It Again For the People in the Back!

Growing up, I liked sitting in the back of the bus. Sidebar: I know, it's what Sister Rosa fought against, but the fun happened at the back of the bus, on field trips, on the way to Lindblom (#SWOOP) to pom pon competitions and other events. While sitting in the back provided entertainment, one also missed out on critical information being shared and instructions regarding what was to come. During this past week, a friend posted in response to a song that I ministered to. I laughed as I wrote, "Say it again, for the people in the back; I'm the people in the back!" So much happening around me and if I'm not careful, I will miss what God is saying, perhaps even whispering amongst the chaos. For the people in the back like me, who are so over the antics, the manipulation, seeing everything and everyone that seemingly is contrary to the Word and Will of God, with the premium seats, this one is for us.

As I listened this week in worship to Maverick City Music (I know y'all, they are on heavy rotation), I was deeply struck by a lyric sung by Jonathan McReynolds which says, "It defies all logic, it just don't make sense." God has us purposed in a season, postured to receive all that He has ordained, even when we don't quite understand what He is doing or how He will do it! Far too long many of us, have gone in agreement with sufficiency in the back, not considering the possibility that God has ordained something different, something that doesn't fit the traditional trajectory that we've become accustomed to. Perhaps you've always "sat at the back" because you assumed that is the only place you could receive and experience joy and connection and situational good, yet God is calling us forth and higher in Him and with that, opening ourselves up to not only believe in His miracles, signs and wonders for someone else, but for His beloved - in you! "Saying it again for the people in the back," is a loud and clarion declaration to be admonished to simply dwell on the simple fact that those of us on the margins, and the peripheral can also receive.

Believing what is unseen may appear foolish to the real world, but in the Body of Christ, membership has its privileges to hold this practice as a foundational principle. John 20:29 reads, “So, you believe because you’ve seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing.” It would be enough for the blessings, but the writer suggests that EVEN BETTER blessings are available for those who don't have tangible evidence, but are yet standing upon the promises of God. Let the people in the back agree with Yes and Amen.

Are you in the back, camouflaging as a cool kid, when you really desire and are created to sit at the feet of the Father in His full frontal view? These last few weeks spending time in consuming worship and experiencing the presence of God throughout my day has provided the much needed divinity that my soul was quenching. I've been reminded as a back pew member that the goodness and love and abundance of God can reach me "in the back" concurrently while His mighty and audacious power draws me into His front porch presence. Whatever we must do to quiet our minds and offer an alternative to what the enemy presents makes for a good excursion. God's truth has the ability to reach us wherever we are, amidst whatever we carry, and despite whatever we've done. May we be compelled to stop playing in the background and come forward with holy boldness to complete every assignment He has commissioned. Did you hear me? Speaking loudly to the people in the back - #I'm the people in the back!


This Heat Right Here


Preparing for the Plans