He Will Not Make A Waze

A few years ago, my cousin in the ATL shared that she used Waze to navigate traffic. God knows you need Waze and a staff like Moses to move about that place. It's busy beyond measure. I didn't find it of use to me in North Carolina; but since y'all opened up the city and keep placing the Triangle on the map of "best places to live," I've found GPS to be helpful. Not to mention we live in an area that is undergoing construction and remains congested regularly. Daily before I leave for work, I enter my work address in the system to make an informed decision as to the best way to get where I'm heading. Last Thursday while driving into the office, I listened to the GPS state, "Traffic approaching ahead. Estimated time in traffic is 8 minutes." I've heard the ancestors say, "The Lord will make a way, but to be sure, He will not make a waze!" When is it ever in His practice to hook us up with some intel, letting us know how long the wait will be? It is not in His propensity to cue us in on the amount of time for Him to avail Himself or what He has shared that He will. Instead, it is up to us to follow the directives in 1 Corinthians 15:58, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." It is imperative that we remind ourselves, as often as necessary that our labor is not in vain - but more importantly, as. the scripture reads, "our labor is not in vain in the Lord." What we do for Christ, through Christ and with Christ matters.

He might not make a waze, but He will restore, recompense, rebuilt, reconfigure and remain through the traffic of life. Even as we "sit," He is clearing the path, ensuring that we do not experience anything that will keep us from the promise. We might be slowed down, we may even encounter a little collision along the way, but we shall reach our final destination, as determined by God. Sure, I want to know "how much farther, or how much longer," but I've also set my affection on God and feel compelled to ride with Him no matter the wait.

When I'm using the app, a ton of ads pop up. In the spiritual, we might consider these distractions, but they are also indicators that we are headed in the right direction. The enemy doesn't need to disturb that which is already in his carpool. God has determined those in Him to be precious cargo. We will reach the place that He's ordained. It might take a little bit of time and a little bit of faith, but He will always make a way!


Praxis, No Filter: The Advent Edition on Peace


Praxis, No Filter: The Advent Edition on Joy