He Floors Me Every Time

Even when it feels as though the rug has been pulled out from under you, there is a structural foundation holding you up - ensuring your safety, ensuring your resolve - that is God! He will never leave you without a "leg" to stand upon. He will uphold you with His right hand! He will come to see about you, to sup with you and "that right early." Love Him on today. Honor Him. Glorify Him. Magnify Him. Make Him your dwelling place - your brook that never runs dry - your Waymaker, your peace, your substance. God I thank you. Rugs are good. They provide comfort, cushion and "care." Yet in a world that does not, is averse to comfort, cushion and care, we can stand upon you as our solid foundation for all things. I love watching the home transformation shows. Especially when they discover hardwood flooring beneath carpet - they are excited! Flooring is a game changer. And so is God! He is strong. He is durable. He can not be manufactured. He is enduring, like hardwoods, one cannot make of its beginning nor end. Just like Jesus, yesterday, today and forever.

I thought I knew this scriptural reference. I thought it read, "forevermore." But actually Hebrews 13:8 refrains from "forever more." I was curious and sought the difference between forever and forever more. WikiDiff on the internet defines forever as eternity, whereas forever more is defined as any and all times in the future. I believe this difference to be remarkable because you like myself might think of "forever" in the context when we've left this earth and are living with the Father; however, the space between now and forever is long and when you are going through a flooring experience, I am confident and comforted by the space between which I consider "forevermore." God has taken into account "any and all times in the future," and yet He still remains, faithful, consumed with our abundance. We can trust His "forevermore" when we cannot trust ourselves, our behaviors, our thoughts, our next move.

And when I feel that I'm at my absolute lowest, subzero, barely keeping my head above the water line, I gently close my eyes to remember that I'm in the most appropriate condition for God to do His best work. In the crevices of my brokenness, God ushers a sweeping, consuming, wave of love that floors me yet again, with gentle reminders of the fact that flooring is not His new pandemic inspired business, but one that God has been listed in the Better Business Bureau for quite a long time. Folx love hardwoods not only because of their durability but because of their aesthetic. They look good, regal, inviting - as does the love of God. When we find ourselves at seemingly at our low or floored experience, God has a knack, a disposition if you will to collect each of our fragments and align them in perfected order amidst the chaos. After experiencing His "gathering" over and over again, one would think I wouldn't be surprised - but just like on my home renovation shows, I am. On the home shows that I adore, the floors typically need a little love, some attention before they are show ready. Just like us. God is a restorer and has the propensity to make the robust work underneath, on our inside without an audience His best workmanship. Realizing that "He's yet floored me again," I collect my tears and transform them into joy, blessed assurance that I'm not alone. I will prevail. He will get all the glory - on the floor on my face, or in the earth on my feet.


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Respect the Kicker