God's Got His Game On Block

A few days ago, I agreed to update my phone. I felt like I was being propositioned so much to the extent that I might need legal representation to ward off the insistency that I cosign to a process that I wasn't clear about. The history I had with such an agreement posed problems. One time I recall the "update not taking," resulting in a trip to the Apple store. Since then, I am calculative about when I agree so as not to interfere with my usage. I was feeling as we used to say 'froggy" so I said, "yes." For whatever reason, this update didn't take long as previous ones, but when I was granted access to my phone again, there was an entire section entitled, "Focus" that was unfamiliar to me. Its contents encompassed "do not disturb," "sleep," "driving," and even personal and work settings. Essentially, when operationalized, one can determine the extent to which they desire to engage. Enabling these settings allows for calls, texts and notifications to be silenced and allows one to remain unbothered, literally. As I closed out the "focus" section after my curiosity was satisfied, I additionally noticed a prompt of some sort that had information under a titled category as "Privacy Report." The notification read, "In the last seven days, Safari has prevented 125 trackers from profiling you and hidden your IP address from known trackers." I couldn't help but elect to consider the intersection of these two updates through a spiritual context. Cliff note: I can take rest in focusing on what is necessary as God blocks all that which is not.

I am cautious about which wifi networks to join, and remembering all of my various passwords for multiple platforms is exhausting. Even amidst my attempts, there are folx savvy enough to overwhelm my efforts at managing my safety. Yet, I take comfort in knowing there are systems established to either disallow their deception to go forth, or at the very least, make it more difficult or time consuming to attempt. Just as this happens without our knowledge, God engages in a similar practice. While we are overwhelmed at the attacks of the enemy, and who he chooses to serve as his proxy, we are unaware of the many attacks that God thwarts on our behalf. He ensures a hedge of protection around us, so that we may laser focus on the assignments He's granted. Isaiah 59:19 declares, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." What is that? A privacy block! James 1:2-4 reads, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." When we experience difficulty we can remain focused on what God instructed, knowing that the testing provides us a fueling of sorts to continue the journey. While Safari prevented 125 trackers, what God prevents is unimaginable and cannot be traced, even if we try. Sure, we can name that God covers our family, health, home, work, finances, travel and the list goes on - but also included is our mental and emotional state and all connected to us in some fashion. He prevents so that we may purpose!!!!!! We needn't remain stagnant, concerned about what comes next because God's provision has already answered our prayer. This is the point in the blog by which I'm speaking to myself - get in on this revelation if you want!

When I drive and someone recklessly driving nearly crashes into me, I am grateful of God's blocking power - but there is more to God's blocking than meets the eye. He sits high and He looks low, engaging, implementing and calling forth His propensity to keep us when we are unaware of how to keep ourselves. In other words, God has our back! Unquestionably may we run with the vision because He's already determined the expected end. May we feel compelled to focus with assurance that God's blocking game is on lock. And not only will He block on your behalf, but as Psalm 27:5 decrees, "For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His sacred tent and set me high upon a rock." Go head and focus on what you must, knowing God is on eternal lookout and nothing, no thing will come nigh your dwelling unless He allows; and even then, He's still got you!


Ask About Him?


The God of Consent