Blessed Is She!

I should have known it to be a set up. Our Pastor, who also happens to be my Soror (skee-wee), posted on social media, inviting folx to join her in reading the Book of Luke during the month of December; essentially a chapter per day chronicling the birth of Jesus. She requested those who were interested to post a “yes” or a “raised hand emoji.” I complied (insert eye roll or blank stare). A few days in and it’s certainly been a blessing. Who am I kidding? Day one was an entire situation. I have been stuck on Luke 1:45: “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!” Lissen here, if I failed to “understand the assignment” and stopped right there, it would be enough! It’s the belief for me!

I cannot tell you (seriously I cannot because confidentiality is a core value for me), how many of the womenfolk in my life are hanging on to the promises of Lord despite the tumultuous circumstances they are navigating. And for the record, allow me to insert myself into the womenfolk as well. Yet, despite the turmoil, or difficulty, or challenge, it is the belief in the promises that provides the fuel to persist. This passage is filled with impossibilities. A senior woman conceives; a virgin conceives and the two are intersected in a manner that is both unfamiliar, unimaginable and yet undeniable. There are two considerations that we need to take notice and ingest. When Elizabeth learned of her pregnancy, she said, “The Lord has done this for me.” When Mary learned of her pregnancy, she said, ‘I am the Lord’s servant. May your word (speaking to the angel) to me be fulfilled." The striking theme that emulates through these two women is a belief in what God promised. We cannot expect to receive something by which we do not believe.

If we serve the same God of Elizabeth and Mary, we can expect Him to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think! As we travail, what is in our thought patterning? What are we feeding our soul? What are we telling ourselves when no one else is around? The angel told Mary, “For no word from God will ever fail.” Jesus! What has God told you? Never mind what He told your neighbor, or what your neighbor feels led to tell you. We must cultivate our own experiences with God to hear Him speak and affirm the unbelievable. We need more “blessed is she” moments in our tangible existence. If we can share where we purchased our shoes, or a dress, or the newest lippie we are rocking, we can also be compelled to believe when the odds are against us because those are the perfect setups for God to perform His best miracles. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! I see you Sis! What are you believing?


Praxis, No Filter: The Advent Edition on Joy


Praxis, No Filter: The Advent Edition On Love